The Wonder of Christmas

Christmas 2024 is finally here! After a seemingly long year for the world, it feels refreshing to celebrate the holiday season.

The lights, the gifts, the carols, the shopping for gifts, etc. It’s all a part of the fun. And who can’t forget the Christmas cookies!

If you’re like me, you enjoy this time of the year a lot. But it can become mundane, routine & even stressful in the blink of an eye.

And sadly for some, the holidays are dreadful because it reminds them of painful memories or the loss of a loved one.

But I think it’s important to take in the reality of what Christmas really means…

Humanity had sinned against God Almighty.

The punishment and satisfaction of His wrath for that crime was death.

We were without hope, lost and destined to be eternally separated from Him.

He had every legal and moral right to leave us alone, permanently condemned in our failures.

And yet because of His great & eternal love, He did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He took on flesh, lived a perfectly sinless life & paid the price for our sin before rising from the grave three days later.

The reason why Christmas can even be celebrated at all is because of Him. And He stands with His arms open, ready to love, care for & receive anyone that would admit their need for a Savior & King.

The wonder of Christmas isn’t another gift, wish list or even Santa himself. It’s the fact that Christ came to rescue us when He didn’t have to.

So, whether you are quietly wishing for Christmas to quickly end. Or you are excitedly rushing to another holiday party…

My prayer is anyone who reads this would experience the love, joy, grace & peace that only Christ can provide. The best is yet to come.

The Attitude of Gratitude

It’s the evening hours of Thanksgiving 2024 and by now, most people are waking up from their afternoon nap to start on their 2nd plate of food.

Because after all, it’s widely known that the second helping tastes better than the first.

Families & friends are gathered together, football is on the tv & people everywhere are plotting out their routes in the mall for Black Friday.

Yet there’s so much about our world currently that is dark, chaotic & frankly concerning.

Even on a day like today, many people are huddled around hospital beds and praying for a loved one to recover.

Others are struggling financially to survive...

There are people who are mourning the loss of a friend or family member…

And then there are those who are experiencing the crippling effects of loneliness, depression, brokenness & anxiety as they live isolated.

Still, whether in good or bad moments, there’s still so much to be thankful for.

To be alive.

To be able to see the sun rise.

To have the hope & prospect of a bright future is a true blessing.

So, if you’re reading this, please know that I’m grateful for you. Your life has meaning, purpose & is worth living.

May we always, in every moment of life, maintain an attitude of gratitude.

“I’m Busy.” 1 Easy Step To Living A Full Life.

If you’re like me, life is moving at a much faster pace these days. It seems like from the time that my alarm clock sounds to the time that my children are asleep, life is being lived at full throttle.

Most of the hours of the day are claimed by something important. In the occasions where you get to see friends & ask how they’re doing, it’s not uncommon to hear a version of “I’m busy.”

In today’s society, busyness is worn like a badge of honor. From the employee who stays at the office too late to the stay at home parent, it has become socially acceptable to be busy. The busier that you are, the more impressive that you come across as. But what if our busyness isn’t all that great? What if being busy with life, work, & our precious schedule has led us to the point of exhaustion? Or even worse, being brokenhearted at our inability to get it all done? What I’m learning currently is that being productive is great. Go for it. But if you are so preoccupied with the busyness & breakneck speed of life, you can/will miss out on the important things instead. You’ll accomplish, accumulate & achieve. But look back & realize that it was all for nothing & no one. You’ll miss quality time spent with family & friends. Seeing the sun rise/set each day. Vacations. Playing with your children. Memories that can last a lifetime. So, if this a struggle for you, here’s some advice. “Lay it down”. Push away from the computer or your phone. Prioritize your priorities. Learn to use the full & complete sentence of the word “no”. Life is truly worth living. Instead of being busy, what would happen if you could honestly say “I’m living life to the fullest.?” As always, keep going down the road of life & God bless.

Looking For A Little Bit Of Light

It seems like this year has moved so quickly & now the Christmas is here. Like for many others, decorating the house and driving around to look at Christmas lights is one of my favorite holiday activities.

My family and I even have a couple of neighborhoods that we’ll occasionally visit that are guaranteed to have some of the best Christmas lights in town.

I think the idea of looking for the light is symbolic of where things are in the world today. Wars, famines, illness and mental health issues are seemingly everywhere.

With a few swipes on your phone, you can be inundated with the latest negative news. It seems like the world is getting darker, day by day.

And yet, the light of this season still reminds us of something. It gives us hope. It’s a physical reminder of what this season is all about. That there was once a newborn baby who would grow into a man.

That innocent man would later die for the sins of the world and rise from the grave three days later. And that even in the darkest of moments, His light is there to guide us home.

So whether Christmas is full of joy, laughter and too much food. Or it’s a day that you’re just trying to get through, the Light of the world is here for you. So keep being kind to the people you meet. After all, “everybody’s looking for some light.”

One Step To A Better Life In 2021.

2020.. What a crazy kind of year it’s been. It seems like this year has been full of events that have negatively impacted so many people around the world!

From the death of Kobe, Gigi and Chadwick. To COVID being the cause of so many families losing loved ones, it’s been a rollercoaster of a year. With some really high ups and very painful downs.


And if you’re like me, you are ready for a fresh start & to watch 2020 fade away quickly! Like every year, we all make resolutions that will hopefully benefit our lives as we move into the months ahead.

Maybe your resolution will be to join a gym. Or to run in a marathon. Or to finally write that book. Or start your own business. Whatever it is, you should do it!

But I’d like to add one more possible idea that will benefit all of us in 2021.


Here it is…

“Leave what’s lost behind.”

Meaning, there are some things that came into our lives in 2020 that frankly need to stay behind & not travel with us into 2021.

Maybe it’s a negative attitude.

Or a destructive habit.

It could be that bad friendship that you know isn’t healthy for you!

Or a relationship that may feel comfortable but has slowly become toxic.

Whatever it is, we all have some things that need to be in the rear view mirror as we run into 2021. So, I want to encourage you with this last thought. Take inventory of your life as it is right now.


What are some things that you need to say bye to so that you can welcome all of the blessings in 2021 that are coming? This next year may not change right away. But that doesn’t mean that your life can’t. THE BEST IS YET TO COME FOR YOU.

Helpless: One Thing To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

PREFACE: My faith is the foundation of my life as well as my writing. And if that’s not the case for you, that’s fine! You don’t have to believe before you can belong. My goal for writing is to always help & encourage people. I’m just glad that you are here!

If you are like me, you would consider yourself to be a somewhat resourceful type of person. Yes, I go through tough times just like everyone else. But I’m thankful that I have a personality that usually will stay calm and think of a possible solution when a problem arises.

But if you are like me, then you’ve also experienced situations that were simply overwhelming.

•A phone call that’s filled with bad news.

•The loss of a loved one or a job.

•A bad diagnosis.

•Or maybe it’s an ongoing issue that just won’t leave. And there isn’t any one true solution to what you are facing.

These problems, along with many others can leave us feeling vulnerable. They leave us feeling… helpless.

As you know, there’s a global pandemic that’s currently happening. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost. And millions have had their lives drastically changed as a result of this virus.

Sure, very few of us have lived through a moment in time quite like this one. But there’s always a sense of “I need to do something” that takes over when difficult times show up.

For some, it was buying more groceries. Or finding ways on how to suddenly become the best homeschool teacher for their kids. And for others, they felt the need to buy toilet paper.

Lots. Of. Toilet. Paper.

But even in all of our doing, it can still feel like it’s not enough. So, as promised, here’s the one thing to do when you don’t know what to do.


Here it comes…


That’s right, nothing.

Now, I know what you are thinking. “Seriously, Travis?! That’s the best that you can do?” But let me explain.

In the Old Testament of The Bible, there’s the story of Moses leading the Israelites. And in one specific part of the story, the nation of Israel was in a crisis. A BIG crisis.

They were pinned against the Red Sea with their former slave owners, the Egyptians, coming in hot pursuit after them. But imagine if you are there with them. Feel yourself being overtaken by their relentless sense of fear. Imagine how strong the wave of crippling anxiety for those people was in that moment.

And yet Moses says something that frankly may have seemed a bit out of place. “Stand still and see the salvation of God!” I wonder if the people had a collective “Dude, are you serious?!?!” thought running through their heads as he said that. But look closer at what Moses said.

Stand still.
Stop moving out of a sense of panic.

Stop the need to make decisions out of fear.

Let go of your anxiety and your worries.

Stop and be still.

If you read the rest of the story, you’ll see that God did a miracle before their eyes. He opened the massive Red Sea, let the Israelites walk on DRY ground and then closed the sea on their enemies. All of that to say this.

Even in the middle of a worldwide plague, the same God who delivered the nation of Israel is the same who is standing strong for us now. His power, comfort, undying love and strength are available to us now.

So, do we wash our hands a little more often? Yes. Do we follow the lead of our doctors and nurses? Of course. But sometimes the best thing to do in moments like the one that we are in is to do nothing. To rest. To be still. To trust in and allow God to lead us to the other side of what seems impossible. The storm will pass. The virus will leave. We just need to be still and trust.

“LOVE YOURZ.” Or 1 way to live a really great life.

Have you ever heard of someone who’s living “the good life?” Maybe you’ve heard it described as “living the dream” or “living their best life.” It seems like every other picture and status update on social media is showing the highlight reel of someone else’s life.


It could be from that celebrity that you follow on Instagram. Or it could be that friend of yours on Facebook that you’re secretly competing against for the most likes. (It’s ok, we all do it.)

Maybe it’s seeing people go on beautiful vacations with friends or the love of their life. While you spend another night, scrolling on Instagram by yourself on the couch.


Or seeing your friends landing their dream jobs while you take a lunch break from the job that you can’t stand but do anyway. It seems like the comparison trap is one that a lot of us, including myself, fall into repeatedly.

And if you’re like me, you’ve had the thought that says “if only I could get more of this or that, then I’ll finally be happy!”

And our society makes it really easy to believe that getting more of _____ will finally do the trick of making life more enjoyable. But what if I were to tell you that the secret to living a really great life is actually a lot easier and WAY less expensive that what our culture says?


Here it is…..



I know, I know. That doesn’t exactly make sense. Allow me to briefly explain…

A young, urban poet once said this phrase a few years back. And I think it had more power to it than even he realized. In other words, he was telling people that in order to live a really great life, you first have to be content with the life that you have. You have to “love yourz.”

Getting more of _____ may give you a feeling of happiness for a little while. But it never lasts. But being content is a feeling that lasts a lifetime. The reality is that more of____really won’t make you happy. And doesn’t lead to living your best life either.

Being truly happy is an inside job. Meaning, that if you want to be happy and live a really great life, start thinking of the awesome things that are currently in your life. In other words, “love yourz.” And slowly start to watch yourself really life a great life.


The best cookie that I’ve ever had & 4 steps to achieving your dreams, Pt.1

Do you have a dream? Maybe something that you’ve always wanted to do? Some may call them resolutions. Others may refer to them as goals. Maybe it’s “living your best life!”

But it’s safe to say that everyone has had a dream at some point. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “What does a cookie have to do with any of this?!” I’m glad that you asked. Allow me to explain..


Last month, my wife and I took a small vacation to New York and got to visit some of our favorite areas in the city. One of those places is a small but really cool bakery named “Milk Bar.”

If you haven’t been there before, go order some desserts today by visiting! Not only are they a well known bakery but the owner, Christina Tosi, has become a world renowned chef. 


As I learned more about her and how she started her business, I could easily see that Christina is one of the most imaginative people that I’ve ever heard of. She’s said that she moved to New York to be pastry chef. But she’s isn’t your ordinary chef. She uses cereal milk(yes, cereal milk) in her desserts! And has built a successful, multi-million dollar company doing so! 

And that’s when it hit me...

Achieving your dream requires you to first dream outside of the box!


It doesn’t matter how old you are, your background or where you are from. You can achieve your goals! But don’t settle for doing what someone else has already done. Find your lane and be the best in it!

Unfortunately, we live in a world where others may hear someone else’s dream and say “that’s impossible!” or “that’s never be done before.” Don’t let that hold you back. Allow that to be your invitation to dream on a larger scale!

In part two of this series, I’ll give the next step to making 2019 a year of seeing your dreams come true. Until then, think big!

Highs & Lows

2018. What an interesting and fast moving year! For me, as I’m sure for most others, this year was full of great and not so great memories. Just like in the picture below, it seems as though this year was full of joyful “mountain high” moments. Along with deep, painful “valley lows.” 

For me personally, I had one of the best days of my life in 2018. I got to say “I do” to the woman of my dreams. To say that it was a “mountain high” type of a day would be an understatement. Other than my faith, she is the best thing that’s happene…

For me personally, I had one of the best days of my life in 2018. I got to say “I do” to the woman of my dreams. To say that it was a “mountain high” type of a day would be an understatement. Other than my faith, she is the best thing that’s happened to me.

We’ve traveled to a couple of different places across the world. We’ve laughed so much, moved into our first home and have so many great memories. And yet this year has also included some very tough moments as well.. From the death and burial of two…

We’ve traveled to a couple of different places across the world. We’ve laughed so much, moved into our first home and have so many great memories. And yet this year has also included some very tough moments as well..

From the death and burial of two family members, health issues and other tough times, my wife and I have been severely tested in just seven months of marriage.

I would imagine that as you read this, you can probably relate to what I’m saying. Maybe you’ve had a really difficult day, month or several months this year. Maybe you’ve experienced so much joy that you can hardly believe it.

You may be excitedly going into 2019, looking forward to what lies ahead. Or just excited to get away from 2018. Or you could be entering 2019 with a fearful dread as we head into the unknown.

But whichever category you find yourself in, I’d like to offer the solution that’s carried me through my life’s greatest and worst moments.  

Go in the way of peace.”

Peace is more than a temporary feeling, peace is a person. No matter how high or how low life has been for me, it is Peace that’s kept my life balanced. And I’ve only been able to find true peace in the person of Christ.

And that same peace is offered to you and I in 2019. If you’d like to talk or learn more about this peace, feel free to head over to my contact page and reach out to me. May this next year be your best year yet! The best is yet to come.

Until then,  


"One Word That Could Change The World

Growing up as a kid, I heard a lot about the problems of the world and how I can be one of the people that could help to bring change to our planet. The term " you can change the world!" brought images of giving rousing speeches, having international influence, solving global poverty and inspiring people around the globe as I travel from place to place.

It seems as if my generation, the Millenial's, have heard this since the time that they were young. I mean, everyone wants to be a hero of some sort, right? And while all of this could be said about some of those who have changed our world, I learned a couple of years ago that this isn't always the case.

Just like this title suggests, I'd like to offer a word that I believe will in fact change the world. It's not a common word. In fact, it's not even an English word. But if we all practiced it, I firmly believe that things would change for us sooner rather than later.

Ready? Lights. Camera. Drumroll please...

 "Chesed" (Pronounced "heh-sed")

I know, you are probably thinking "what does that even mean?" I'm glad that you asked. It's a Hebrew word that means "loving-kindness, kindness, love." When I learned what this word meant, it made me think. "What would happen if each of us made a decision to put this word into action? Imagine what our world would be like?"

Regardless of whether someone deserved it or not, what would happen if we just decided to show the people around us more loving-kindness? Racism? Gone. Hatred? Not happening. Sexism? See ya later. And while we may not be able to provide this for everyone, we can give this to someone.

That person in front of you at Starbucks. Your neighbor. Your co-worker. Someone who annoys you. That relative that you haven't spoken to in years. Even the people that you don't like(we all have at least one.) Just try it. You may not make the world news and have people singing your praises. But you can change the world, one life at a time.

New Beginnings

Hi, my name's Travis and if you are reading this, I want to say thank you for visiting my website. I've always known that I had a gift when it came to writing. I've also had a strong desire to use that gift to encourage other people and offer hope to those who are needing it. That's the plan for each of my blog posts.

So what can you expect from me? I'm glad that you asked. You can expect to read blog entries that are real, honest, truthful and that offer hope. Plus, some cheesy jokes and puns. Lots of puns. You're welcome. So join me on the journey as we walk through life together. Here's to new beginnings.