“I’m Busy.” 1 Easy Step To Living A Full Life.
If you’re like me, life is moving at a much faster pace these days. It seems like from the time that my alarm clock sounds to the time that my children are asleep, life is being lived at full throttle.
Most of the hours of the day are claimed by something important. In the occasions where you get to see friends & ask how they’re doing, it’s not uncommon to hear a version of “I’m busy.”
In today’s society, busyness is worn like a badge of honor. From the employee who stays at the office too late to the stay at home parent, it has become socially acceptable to be busy. The busier that you are, the more impressive that you come across as. But what if our busyness isn’t all that great? What if being busy with life, work, & our precious schedule has led us to the point of exhaustion? Or even worse, being brokenhearted at our inability to get it all done? What I’m learning currently is that being productive is great. Go for it. But if you are so preoccupied with the busyness & breakneck speed of life, you can/will miss out on the important things instead. You’ll accomplish, accumulate & achieve. But look back & realize that it was all for nothing & no one. You’ll miss quality time spent with family & friends. Seeing the sun rise/set each day. Vacations. Playing with your children. Memories that can last a lifetime. So, if this a struggle for you, here’s some advice. “Lay it down”. Push away from the computer or your phone. Prioritize your priorities. Learn to use the full & complete sentence of the word “no”. Life is truly worth living. Instead of being busy, what would happen if you could honestly say “I’m living life to the fullest.?” As always, keep going down the road of life & God bless.