The Wonder of Christmas

Christmas 2024 is finally here! After a seemingly long year for the world, it feels refreshing to celebrate the holiday season.

The lights, the gifts, the carols, the shopping for gifts, etc. It’s all a part of the fun. And who can’t forget the Christmas cookies!

If you’re like me, you enjoy this time of the year a lot. But it can become mundane, routine & even stressful in the blink of an eye.

And sadly for some, the holidays are dreadful because it reminds them of painful memories or the loss of a loved one.

But I think it’s important to take in the reality of what Christmas really means…

Humanity had sinned against God Almighty.

The punishment and satisfaction of His wrath for that crime was death.

We were without hope, lost and destined to be eternally separated from Him.

He had every legal and moral right to leave us alone, permanently condemned in our failures.

And yet because of His great & eternal love, He did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He took on flesh, lived a perfectly sinless life & paid the price for our sin before rising from the grave three days later.

The reason why Christmas can even be celebrated at all is because of Him. And He stands with His arms open, ready to love, care for & receive anyone that would admit their need for a Savior & King.

The wonder of Christmas isn’t another gift, wish list or even Santa himself. It’s the fact that Christ came to rescue us when He didn’t have to.

So, whether you are quietly wishing for Christmas to quickly end. Or you are excitedly rushing to another holiday party…

My prayer is anyone who reads this would experience the love, joy, grace & peace that only Christ can provide. The best is yet to come.