5 in 32, part two
Have you ever wondered what you would say to the younger version of yourself? What if you could go back in time, Avengers: Endgame style, and talk with yourself back in a certain time period? What would you say? What pieces of advice would you share?
For this blog post, I decided to dive into the rarely seen photo archives and see how far I’ve come in a few years. Looking back, I instantly noticed the full head of hair and the thin waist line!
But if it were possible to go back in time, I’ve always wondered what I would say to the younger version of myself. There’s been a lot of highs & lows since the picture that’s posted above was taken. But if I could go back in time and talk to young Travis, here’s what I’d say:
Take care of YOU. You have good intentions of helping other people. Don’t lose that! But you can’t give what you don’t have. If you aren’t in a healthy place in most or all areas of your life then you’ll become drained and exhausted.
Yes, you don’t like the vegetables in this picture. Eat them anyway. Pray. Go to bed at a decent hour. Exercise. Look after your mental health. You’ve only got one body and one life to live. Live it well.
2. Life is made up of fast moving moments. Be present. Why? Soon, there’s going to be this thing called social media that will eventually take over the world. You’ll then have a small, palm sized computer in your pocket that will give you access to what’s happening in the world at all times!
Enjoy using it. But not at the expense of missing valuable time with friends & family that will only be around for so long. Live life in the moment.
3. Character>Talent. The world is full of talented people everywhere and you’re one of them too. But there’s one thing that’ll set you apart from a lot of folks. Integrity.
Your going to make mistakes, some bigger than others. But do yourself a favor, be a man of integrity. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Make wise decisions. What are the optics of what you are currently doing? Integrity will open more doors for you than any amount of talent ever will.
4. “Beeeee yourself.” Not only is that a classic line from the movie Aladdin, it’s also great wisdom for life in general. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin.
Yes, you should always be improving and growing. But don’t lay down your interests and likes at the altar of wanting to be a people pleaser. Be yourself. Your loved ones love you that way. And that’s what really matters most.
5. In the year 2019, one of your all time favorite basketball players, Dirk Nowitzki, is going to retire from the Dallas Mavericks and you’ll see it happen live on tv. You’ll instantly miss him. Brace yourself and bring lots of tissues…
Until next time,